The Impact of Glyphosate on Human Health

There is a lot of confusion about whether the commonly used herbicide glyphosate (“Roundup”) is safe. In this review, Cliff Harvey PhD looks at the evidence from reviews of the literature on the health effects of glyphosate.

Can Omega-3 Fats Treat Dysbiosis?

Omega-3 fish oil supplements may help to modify the gut biome and improve gut health. In this article, Cliff delves into the research to answer the question ‘can omega-3 fats treat dysbiosis?’

All About: Medium Chain Triglycerides

Medium chain triglycerides offer the potential to elevate ketone levels and have a number of evidence-based application. In this post, Dr Cliff Harvey looks at the evidence behind the use of MCTs.

How To Deal With Fatigue

Fatigue is a common presenting symptom and unfortunately, its treatment is wrapped in woo! This article presents evidence-backed interventions to help you recover from fatigue

Phil Dowling ND, MA

The Carb-Appropriate Podcast Ep.6 Phil Dowling is a legit OG of nutrition and naturopathy in New Zealand. He has been in practice for 3 decades,…