Can Poor Gut Health Cause Hair Loss?

Hair loss is commonly thought to be purely genetic or resulting from autoimmune conditions but nutritional and environmental cofactors play a role in hair loss. Evidence now also suggests that the health of the gut may also contribute to alopecia.

Gut Health & Sleep

Sleep affects health and the gut and these also affect sleep! In this article, Cliff summarises the research on the gut and sleep.

Intro to Gut Health

Gut health is an extremely popular topic in health. In this article, Cliff introduces the foundations of gut health.

The Gut & Cardiovascular Health

There is a bi-directional relationship between the health of the gut and microbiome and many factors that influence cardiovascular health. In this article, Dr Cliff Harvey explores the reviews of this topic.

The Gut-Brain-Health Connection

The health of the gut and the brain are so closely linked that people sometimes now refer to the gut as the ‘second brain’. In this article, Cliff summarises the research on the gut and mental health.

The Gut Microbiome and Cancer

The gut has a bidirectional relationship with all other systems of the body and lifestyle factors, and so, might improve outcomes for cancer patients.
In this review, Cliff looks into the evidence around gut-health and cancer.