Dairy and Health

The September 2019 issue of the Carb-Appropriate Research Review is packed with info on dairy and health. Check out the summary below.
Do Protein Supplements Help or Harm?

Many claims are made about the ‘dangers’ of protein supplements but these claims don’t stand up to scrutiny.
Issue #4 The Carb-Appropriate Review

The latest Carb-Appropriate Research Review is all about dairy! Find out the latest research on the health effects of dairy, whether it is pro- or anti-inflammatory, PLUS the low- vs full-fat debate, and all about A1 vs A2 protein.
Should Dairy and Meat be Reduced in Hospitals?

Recent calls for the reduction of meat and dairy in hospital meals are misguided and could put people’s health further at risk.
Does Increasing Dairy Intake Reduce Insulin Sensitivity?

There is concern about the insulin stimulating effects of dairy. In this study, the effect on insulin and blood glucose homeostasis of increased dairy intake was explored.
A1 vs A2… Does the Type of Casein Protein in Dairy Have an Effect on Health?

A1 protein from milk has been suggested as a risk factor for health, while A2 is promoted as a health food that avoids these risks. Find out what the research tells us about A1 vs A2.
Is Dairy Inflammatory?

Dairy is commonly considered inflammation causing. But is this justified? For whom is dairy inflammatory…and for whom is it not?
Is Low-Fat Dairy Superior to Full-Fat?

Low-fat dairy is recommended in dietary guidelines over natural, full-fat dairy, but is this recommendation actually justified by evidence? Or is it simply outdated?
Does Milk do a Body Good?

Milk and dairy are commonly avoided by people seeking health but is the recommendation to eliminate dairy justified?
All You Need to Know About Keto

Ketogenic diets have become massively popular in recent years but they are misunderstood and often overcomplicated. Cliff Harvey is a clinician and researcher with over 20 years experience with keto. In this article, he simplifies the main concepts behind the ketogenic diet.
Why You Should Take a Daily Multi

Multivitamin and multimineral supplements are so common that you’d be hard-pressed not to be able to find one in any health store, supermarket or convenience store. But despite their universal use and availability, there is still some debate about whether multis are worth taking. I for one prescribe multis as a matter of course for […]
How to Easily Find Your Level of Carb-Tolerance

How to find your level of carb ‘tolerance’? Ketogenic diets have recently become the most searched diet term, overtaking vegan, plant-based, and Paleo. Despite the buzz, and the undoubted benefits of low-carb and ketogenic diets for obesity, metabolic syndrome, and the role in the treatment of neural disorders (amongst other benefits) many people thrive on […]
Cliff Harvey PhD – Ep.88 of The Stag Roar

I’m back on The Stag Roar with Ryan O’Connor. We discuss health, nutrition, dietary guidelines, research and my latest book THE CREDO, and go ‘beyond nutrition’ and down the rabbit hole of mind-body health and pursuing a life of passion and purpose!
Bone Broth…Good Stuff or BS?

Bone broth has become a popular food-supplement but does it really provide health or performance benefits?
How To Deal With Fatigue

Fatigue is a common presenting symptom and unfortunately, its treatment is wrapped in woo! This article presents evidence-backed interventions to help you recover from fatigue
Cliff Harvey on the ‘Flippin’ Health’ Podcast

Cliff Harvey started changing the world 20 years ago, he’s still going. Catch up with his doctoral research, views on keto, mental health and more.
Issue #3 The Carb-Appropriate Review

Issue 3 | Volume 1 | August 2019 In this issue: Articles Is the Ketogenic Diet Really a Cure for Cancer? The ketogenic diet is touted as a ‘cure’ for cancer with claims that it effectively starves cancer cells of fuel. But do these claims stack up? Can the Ketogenic Diet and Ketones Improve Brain […]
World Health Organisation’s recommendations on saturated fat are out of date, expert team says

ABC News https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2019-07-04/who-saturated-fat-recommendations-out-of-date-expert-team-says/11274136 Article Summary In a new study published in the British Medical Journal,1 18 well-known researchers have disputed the World Health Organisations dietary guideline to reduce saturated fat to less than 10% of daily calories, and have stated that this dietary guideline is not backed by evidence. The authors summarised the key points […]
Can Keto-Diets Improve the Structure of Key Brain Cells?

Ketogenic diets might help to improve the function of important supportive brain cells.
Are Low-Carb Diets Deficient in Micronutrients?

A common criticism of low-carb and keto diets is that they do not supply adequate amounts of essential nutrients, but is this justified?