Let’s Talk About STRESS! The Carb-Appropriate Review

Issue 10 | Volume 2 | October 2020

In this issue


October 2020 – Issue 10

The Effects of Social Media on Stress

Social media use provides significant benefits for connection and support, but overuse is being shown to increase stress and mental and physical health conditions.

Read the article here

The Effects of Stress on Health

Stress has a range of implications for health.

In this review, Cliff summarises recent evidence for the effects of stress on health.

Read the article here

The Effect of Stress on Immunity

Stress is known to impact immunity.

In this review, Cliff looks at the evidence for the impact of stress on immunity.

Read the article here

Does Stress Drive Weight Gain?

Stress can contribute to fat gain or unhealthy weight loss by affecting sleep and stress-driven eating.

Read the article here

Can ‘Forest Bathing’ Reduce Blood Pressure?

‘Forest bathing’ or being in and surrounded by nature has appreciable health benefits.

In this review, the authors looked at whether forest bathing might help to reduce blood pressure.

Read the article here

Does Stress Drive Inflammation?

Stress affects the immune-inflammatory cascade and has potential long-term effects on cardiovascular, metabolic, and mental health.

Read the article here

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