Berry powders are another nutrient-dense option for smoothies and to add to healthy baking and cooking. They are a fantastic way to add even more antioxidants in the whole-food-based, complex forms to your diet even when eating veggies, berries and fruits would be inconvenient.
They are a great option for example, when you’re at work or travelling, as a ready-made complex of whole food derived nutrients to put into smoothies. Added to smoothies and protein shakes these highly nutritive powders can help reduce the effects of inflammation. Berry powders may even help to reduce levels of pathogenic (‘bad’) bacteria in the gut,33 and reduce cholesterol and triglycerides (both risk markers for heart health).34, 35 Have a tub or sachets of berry powders to take with you to work or when travelling, or simply add a teaspoon of berry powder to your daily smoothies.
They are a great option for example, when you’re at work or travelling, as a ready-made complex of whole food derived nutrients to put into smoothies.

From Carb-Appropriate 101 by Cliff Harvey PhD
Carb-Appropriate 101 gives you 101 daily tips to help you achieve the energy, health & performance you deserve. It includes daily tips for nutrition, movement, exercise, meditation, mindfulness, sleep, stress-reduction, and more! These tips are some of the themes that Cliff has written and spoken about over his decades in practice, in ‘bite-sized’ mini-articles.
Read the book from cover-to-cover, applying a tip a day, or simply open the book to any page to find a valuable health and performance tip to help you feel and perform at your very best.