Fish oil is the easiest way to supply quality omega 3 fats to our diet. In the modern Western diet, most people consume far too many omega 6 fats from the common vegetable oils found in processed and refined foods, factory-raised animals, and cooking oils. These omega 6 fats (in excessive amounts and without adequate omega 3 fats to counter them) encourage inflammation, insulin resistance and are a possible causative factor for weight gain and obesity-related disorders. Omega 3 fats like fish oils help to redress this imbalance and encourage better overall health.
Fish oil supplementation is likely to be good for the heart and metabolic health,37-41 reducing depression, 42, 43 and reducing swelling and pain in rheumatoid arthritis.44
Consumption of omega 3 fats from fish or fish-oil supplements reduces rates of all-cause mortality, cardiac and sudden death, and possibly stroke.45, 46 But, these benefits are not necessarily seen with plant-derived oils that contain the ‘base’ omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid.47
Use fish oil at a dose of around 3+ g per

From Carb-Appropriate 101 by Cliff Harvey PhD
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