In the modern WORLD, we eat while distracted—working, watching television—even though this is far from ideal for digestion and absorption of nutrients, and for reducing stress.
By stopping and simply eating, you can be more mindful of the food you eat and enjoy it more. This helps you to eat only until you’re and satisfied and to truly appreciate the flavours of great food that is great for you. It also encourages optimal digestion by being in the ‘rest and digest’ state, as compared to the ‘fight or flight’ state in which digestion is impeded.
It also encourages optimal digestion by being in the ‘rest and digest’ state, as compared to the ‘fight or flight’ state in which digestion is impeded.
When we stop to ‘rest and digest’ when we’re in that state of parasympathetic nervous system dominance, the movement of food through the gut is optimised, and gastric juices are secreted properly to aid complete digestion. This helps us to avoid the gas, cramping and bloating that can result from eating ‘on the run’.
Stop to eat.
Don’t eat on the run.

From Carb-Appropriate 101 by Cliff Harvey PhD
Carb-Appropriate 101 gives you 101 daily tips to help you achieve the energy, health & performance you deserve. It includes daily tips for nutrition, movement, exercise, meditation, mindfulness, sleep, stress-reduction, and more! These tips are some of the themes that Cliff has written and spoken about over his decades in practice, in ‘bite-sized’ mini-articles.
Read the book from cover-to-cover, applying a tip a day, or simply open the book to any page to find a valuable health and performance tip to help you feel and perform at your very best.