Ghee, butter and coconut are very heat resistant and are the best options for cooking or baking. Olive oil is also surprisingly resilient and doesn’t break down easily at elevated temperatures. They are also extremely low in the inflammatory omega-6 fats found in common vegetable oils (like sunflower and safflower) which we tend to over-consume in the modern western diet.
Olive oil is also surprisingly resilient and doesn’t break down easily at elevated temperatures.

From Carb-Appropriate 101 by Cliff Harvey PhD
Carb-Appropriate 101 gives you 101 daily tips to help you achieve the energy, health & performance you deserve. It includes daily tips for nutrition, movement, exercise, meditation, mindfulness, sleep, stress-reduction, and more! These tips are some of the themes that Cliff has written and spoken about over his decades in practice, in ‘bite-sized’ mini-articles.
Read the book from cover-to-cover, applying a tip a day, or simply open the book to any page to find a valuable health and performance tip to help you feel and perform at your very best.