Beef is a great protein option. However, factory-farmed beef has higher levels of omega 6 fats. A high intake of omega 6 fats has been linked to increasing obesity rates, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Always choose free-range, grass-fed beef. The animals enjoy a much better quality of life too so you can feel a lot better about your food choice.
Note: Thankfully, most New Zealand beef is still grass-fed.
Buy grass-fed beef

From Carb-Appropriate 101 by Cliff Harvey PhD
Carb-Appropriate 101 gives you 101 daily tips to help you achieve the energy, health & performance you deserve. It includes daily tips for nutrition, movement, exercise, meditation, mindfulness, sleep, stress-reduction, and more! These tips are some of the themes that Cliff has written and spoken about over his decades in practice, in ‘bite-sized’ mini-articles.
Read the book from cover-to-cover, applying a tip a day, or simply open the book to any page to find a valuable health and performance tip to help you feel and perform at your very best.