Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Cut out fruit juice

Eat fruit, don’t drink it…
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Make your treats an adventure!

Have a fun-filled, powerful adventure next time you plan to have a treat meal
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Have one or two treats per week

If you do ‘most things right, most of the time’ you will get optimal results.
The Impact of Glyphosate on Human Health

There is a lot of confusion about whether the commonly used herbicide glyphosate (“Roundup”) is safe. In this review, Cliff Harvey PhD looks at the evidence from reviews of the literature on the health effects of glyphosate.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Do a ‘pantry audit’

Remove all the junk food from your fridge and pantry and replace it with healthy, nutritious food
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Eat Mindfully

Breathe and relax. Allow yourself to truly taste and enjoy your food
How to Fast

Find out how to modify fasting timing and length to meet your goals.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Have smoothies

Protein is the base of a nutritious meal, and smoothies make an easy, quick and nutritious option.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Make a ‘double dinner’ so you have lunch for the next day

Lunch can be the most difficult meal to ‘get right’ consistently.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: STOP to eat

In the modern WORLD, we eat while distracted—working, watching television—even though this is far from ideal for digestion and absorption of nutrients, and for reducing stress.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Use Apple Cider Vinegar or lemon in the morning

Both Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and lemon juice are time-honoured naturopathic remedies to promote digestion and improve the natural processes of detoxification in the liver.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Eat Until You’re Full

The question often arises “How much should I eat”, and without overcomplicating the issue, the answer simply is “eat until you’re full!” And by ‘full’ I don’t mean the old idea, that you’ve probably heard time and time again of being ‘moderately full’.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Eat When You’re Hungry

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that eating frequently and forcing yourself to eat throughout the day offers any benefits.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Drink enough water

Every cell in your body requires water to function correctly, and those functions inevitably include the processes that allow you to build and maintain muscle, lose body fat, and think clearly.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Focus on Whole, Unprocessed Food

To improve your health, and improve energy and performance, the priority is not how much, but what you are eating.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Eats meals… Don’t snack!

Despite being told for decades that we should eat small, frequent meals and to snack and ‘graze’ throughout the day, snacking is THE worst habit if you want to feel, look and perform better.
Why I Love Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine systems for thousands of years but it seems like ever since best-selling author and renowned ‘lifehacker’ Tim Ferriss posted about Lion’s Mane Coffee— “I was on FIRE for the entire day… I got more done that day than three or four days prior to that”—there has been a […]
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: The Three Pillars of Health

The three pillars of health are inter-related, and all areas affect the rest.
A1 vs A2… Does the Type of Casein Protein in Dairy Have an Effect on Health?

A1 protein from milk has been suggested as a risk factor for health, while A2 is promoted as a health food that avoids these risks. Find out what the research tells us about A1 vs A2.
Is Dairy Inflammatory?

Dairy is commonly considered inflammation causing. But is this justified? For whom is dairy inflammatory…and for whom is it not?