The Effects of the Gut on Skin Health

The interplay between the health of the gut and skin is well known. In this article, Cliff delves into the research on the gut microbiome and skin conditions.

Gut Health & Sleep

Sleep affects health and the gut and these also affect sleep! In this article, Cliff summarises the research on the gut and sleep.

The Effects of Sleep on Health

The effects of sleep on health

Sleep has a complex relationship with health. In this review, Dr Cliff Harvey explores the effects of poor sleep on health, and of poor health on sleep.

The Effects of Exercise on Immunity

It is widely accepted that exercise improves health and is, by extension, a valuable contributor to proper immune functioning and resistance to infection. However, excessive exercise is a stressor that can dampen immune functions and as a result, over-training can lead to increased rates of infection with colds and flu-like viruses, a situation commonly seen […]

The Effects of Stress on Immunity

Stress has an undeniable and large effect on health and is a less commonly discussed, but extremely important part of encouraging the greatest human resilience and resistance to infections. A systematic review of 56 studies showed that stress had a significant impact on measures of immunity (reduced natural killer cell activity, NK and T cell […]

The Effects of Sleep on Immunity

It is likely that sleeping too little, or having poor sleep, and possibly sleeping too long impact immunity. There are strong associations between sleep length and quality and a range of long-term health outcomes, such as1: Diabetes mellitus Hypertension Cardiovascular diseases Coronary heart diseases Obesity Over 70 studies featuring more than 50000 participants have evaluated […]