The Value of Small, Consistent Improvements

Doing too much too soon can sabotage your results. On the other hand, making small, consistent improvements can yield big results over the long-term
All About: Auto-Immunity

What is ‘autoimmunity’? And what does the evidence tell us about treating autoimmune conditions with diet and lifestyle?
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Replace grains with vegetables

Put more veggies on your plate!
All About: Immunity

Immunity is a hot topic right now but many claims simply aren’t backed by evidence.
So, how can we support our innate immunity?
Cliff and Mikki Talk Holistic Wellness (swapcast)

Cliff chats with nutritionist and researcher Dr Mikki Williden about how to achieve *actual* holistic wellness
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Avoid ‘white’ carbohydrates

‘White’ carbs like pasta, bread and potatoes, are staples for many…but a friend to the waistline for few!
Do Low-Carb Diets Affect Hormone Balance?

Cliff chats with low-carb researchers Drs Mikki Williden, Dan Plews, Caryn Zinn about whether low-carb diets REALLY affect hormone balance in both men and women.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Use non-gluten grains

Try rice, quinoa, millet or amaranth instead of barley, wheat, and rye.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Reduce or avoid grains

If you’re trying to lose stubborn body fat, try ditching the grains!
Cliff Harvey on Episode 20 of the GOOD Podcast with Scott Gooding

Celebrity trainer and chef Scott Gooding chats with Dr Cliff Harvey about how we can stay healthy while being stuck at home, what the COVID isolation might mean for long-term public health, and the silver-lining that perhaps we can use this to help find lives of greater passion and purpose.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Eat vegetables with at least two meals per day

Eating enough vegetables is one thing…making sure we eat them at enough meals is another!
The MCT Issue: The Carb-Appropriate Review

Issue 4 | Volume 2 | April 2020 In this issue: This month The Carb-Appropriate Research Review goes deep on MCTS. Find out what medium-chain triglycerides are, how they work, what conditions and outcomes they may help, and how to use them most effectively. Featured article All About Medium Chain Triglycerides Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are […]
All About: Medium Chain Triglycerides

Medium chain triglycerides offer the potential to elevate ketone levels and have a number of evidence-based application. In this post, Dr Cliff Harvey looks at the evidence behind the use of MCTs.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Use berry powders too

Berry powders are another nutrient-dense option for smoothies and to add to healthy baking and cooking.
COVID and Mind, Body, Spirit Health

There is a lot of misinformation about what can and can’t help during this COVID pandemic. In this podcast, Cliff outlines some of the things he’s doing to stay healthy.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Eat at least two serves of berries per day

Eat at least two fist-sized servings of berries every day
Eric Helms vs Cliff Harvey!… Bodybuilding Contest Prep Diet Wars: On the Muscle Memoirs Podcast

Dr Eric Helms and Dr Cliff Harvey debate the relative merits of lower- or higher-carb diets for bodybuilding prep and for leaning up while retaining muscle.
Nutrition, Lifestyle, Immunity and the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) poses a significant threat to public health and the global economy. In this article, Cliff looks into how we can best reduce our risks of transmission while also staying healthy.
Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Consider reducing fruit

Consider cutting fruit back to one or two servings a day
Cliff Harvey PhD on The Roar Knowledge Podcast

I was recently on the Roar Knowledge podcast with Alex Connor. Check out the cast where we chat about nutrition, performance, and how to *simply* get the most out of your nutrition.