Does a Higher Fat Diet Cause ‘Keto-Crotch’?

Recent articles have suggested that higher fat intakes are responsible for ‘keto-crotch’. Does this study support that contention?
Can a Ketogenic Diet and Ketones Improve Brain Health?

Ketogenic diets and ketones themselves offer a promising treatment option for neurodegenerative disorders and cognitive decline.
Is the Ketogenic Diet Really a ‘Cure’ for Cancer?

The ketogenic diet is often touted as a ‘cure’ for cancer. But is this justified? Could there be risk from using a keto-diet for cancer?
Blood Type Diets… Still Crazy After All These Years…
Over 7 million copies of Eat Right for Your Type have been sold and many people follow a ‘blood type diet’. But does it stand up to scientific scrutiny?
Do You Need to Have Carbs Before Training?

Most people assume they need to ‘load up’ on carbs before training. But could this do more harm than good?
Does a Vegan Diet Really Result in Fewer Deaths Than an Omnivorous One?

Could eating beef result in less loss of life than soy?
Issue #2 The Carb-Appropriate Review

Issue 2 | Volume 1 | July 2019 In this issue: Articles Do Low Carbohydrate Diets Negatively Affect Female Hormone Balance? Many people think that low-carb diets are negative for female hormone balance, menstrual cycles, and ovulation. But does this stand up to scientific scrutiny? Can You Be ‘Healthy at Every Size’? ‘Health At Every […]
Can You Be ‘Healthy at Every Size’?

Traditional weight loss methods are based primarily on a medical model which treats obesity as a disease requiring diet, exercise, or pharmaceutical intervention. Conversely, the increasingly popular ‘Health At Every Size’ (HAES) movement believes that “individuals who are overweight and obese want to exercise and eat healthy foods, and they are capable of doing so when barriers […]
How Reliable is the Evidence for Reducing Saturated Fat?

Most meta-analyses do not support the idea that saturated fat is a cause of heart disease but the 2015 meta-analysis by Hooper and colleagues suggested that saturated fat increased mortality. But was this study reliable? In a new analysis, Thornley et al., cast doubt on the reliability of this finding.
Do Low-Carbohydrate Diets Negatively Affect Female Hormone Balance?

A common claim currently doing the rounds is that a low-carb or keto-diet will negatively affect either ‘female hormone balance’, menstrual cycles, or ovulation. It is claimed that there is a minimum amount of carbohydrate (i.e. 200 g per day) required to preserve hormone status and ovulation, along with other indicators of hormonal health. Does […]
Rebuttal to the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine article: “Keto Diet Is Dangerous for Veterans with Diabetes”

A recent article by vegan advocacy group PCRM has attacked using low-carb for veterans with diabetes. In this article, researcher Cliff Harvey provides a rebuttal to the PCRM arguments against LCHF for diabetes.
Association of changes in red meat consumption with total and cause specific mortality among US women and men

A recent study has been highly promoted in the media as another ‘nail in the coffin’ for red meat, suggesting increased risk of death from eating red meat. But was this effect really shown?
Keto-flu, ketogenesis, and Carb-Tolerance: Part 2

A Summary of Our Research: How did people ‘feel’ on a keto diet? Very little research has been conducted on people’s subjective experiences of diet. The study of this is incredibly important because if we are to properly understand diet and prescribe, based on holistic effects, we need to know how people feel! We analysed […]
Detox diets and supplements: separating the fear from the facts

No matter where you look nowadays, someone is trying to sell you on a diet, pill or potion that promises to help you ‘detox’. In contrast, there are myriad scientists that will tell you that ‘detoxing’ is a bunch of BS and that there is no benefit to any diet or supplement that claims to […]
Keto-flu, Ketogenesis, and Carb-tolerance: Part 1

A summary of our research: Ketogenic supplements Low-carb diets and ketogenic diets are becoming increasingly popular for both lifestyle reasons and for the improvement of health and performance. However, there is little evidence for the superiority of keto- vs less restrictive low-carb approaches in the research. Greater carbohydrate restriction does provide additional benefits for some […]
Why you shouldn’t be afraid of protein on a keto diet

A lot of people freak out about protein when following a ketogenic diet. There is an idea that eating a high, or even moderate protein diet, will result in large amounts of glucose creation from amino acids in protein (gluconeogenesis). However, this idea is unfounded and there are significant benefits from increasing your protein intake. […]
Paul Cadman

The Carb-Appropriate Podcast Ep.13 Paul ‘Cadsy’ Cadman is a nutrition and performance coach specialising in custom nutrition, supplementation, and training programming for endurance athletes. I love chatting to Cadsy as he is a self-experimenter who’s always willing to do the hard yards, walking the talk, before applying it with his athletes. Paul has had great […]
What do I eat?

The 2019 edition One of the most common questions any nutritionist gets is “So, what do YOU eat?” This is not necessarily the best question for a client to ask, because what I do, will not always be what you should do. On the other hand, the example of someone putting healthy nutrition habits into […]