Why You Should Take a Daily Multi

Multivitamin and multimineral supplements are so common that you’d be hard-pressed not to be able to find one in any health store, supermarket or convenience store. But despite their universal use and availability, there is still some debate about whether multis are worth taking. I for one prescribe multis as a matter of course for […]
How To Deal With Fatigue

Fatigue is a common presenting symptom and unfortunately, its treatment is wrapped in woo! This article presents evidence-backed interventions to help you recover from fatigue
Rachel Grunwell – Health and Wellness Crusader

The Carb-Appropriate Podcast Ep.16 In this episode of the podcast, I chat with yogi, and recovery-focussed personal trainer Rachel Grunwell about her journey from investigative journalism to running marathons and becoming a health-focused journalist and yoga practitioner. Rachel’s new book ‘Balance’, featuring insights from health and performance experts from around the world, can be found […]
Detox diets and supplements: separating the fear from the facts

No matter where you look nowadays, someone is trying to sell you on a diet, pill or potion that promises to help you ‘detox’. In contrast, there are myriad scientists that will tell you that ‘detoxing’ is a bunch of BS and that there is no benefit to any diet or supplement that claims to […]
What do I eat?

The 2019 edition One of the most common questions any nutritionist gets is “So, what do YOU eat?” This is not necessarily the best question for a client to ask, because what I do, will not always be what you should do. On the other hand, the example of someone putting healthy nutrition habits into […]